Yoga for Labour & Birth
Available in-person and on Zoom.
Learn simple, practical techniques to help to shorten your labour and make whole experience calmer and more comfortable for you and your baby. These techniques are drawn from yoga and hypnotherapy help you to go with the way your birth progresses, to make choices based on your experience from moment to moment. This freedom allows you to have a positive birth experience, however things unfold, on the way to meeting your baby.
Freestyle - Your Way!
You learn these techniques in your own home where you'll most likely spend the majority of your early labour. You can discover how to use your environment to support you. I'll tailor the session for your needs and we can focus on any particular issues that are worrying you. There's no single best way to birth and no one way is right for everyone. Once you understand the principles, you can be creative and adapt the techniques depending on how you feel and what you need as your labour progresses.
Where, When And Cost
The sessions take around three hours and are usually on a Saturday morning. It costs £90 in-person or £75 online which includes a full set of notes to help you prepare and practice together with your birth partner. Rest assured the homework is easy and relaxing!
Get in touch to book your session. Call 01455 631497 or fill in the contact form.
What You'll Learn
Together with your birth partner you'll learn:
How your position, hormones and feelings affect the progress of labour and birth
Your birth partner's role and practical ways they can support you
Why the connection between you and your birth partner is so much more important to your labour than medication or a professional partner
How to position baby to reduce the length of your labour and birth
Useful postures during labour to help keep baby in position, and make labour easier and more comfortable for you
Effective breathing to keep you calm, keep your energy levels up and keep baby supplied with oxygen
Techniques to stay relaxed so you can regulate stress hormones and keep labour contractions comfortable and effective.
Learning how to relax and breathe effectively between contractions will help you to gather strength and energy to birth your baby. The right positions will release tension and aid a smooth transition through labour by making your muscles active and making each contraction more effective, shortening your labour. Simple, easy-to-learn and remember breathing practices will make your breath more effective and relieve any sensations to help your body to birth your baby.
Get in touch to book your session. Call 01455 631497 or click the button
The birth went really well and I was able to have an active labour throughout and gave birth standing up. The breathing techniques really helped me through and taking the mindfulness approach helped me to remain cam and focused. The one to one course we did with you was excellent and would highly recommended to others
The breathing learnt at yoga really helped, thanks. Especially the golden thread breath. It was all really relaxed and I was only in labour for just over four hours.
"From a guy's point of view on the hypnobirthing, it helped me enormously with the breathing and so on. It's strange really, rather than feeling like a spare part as I did during our first time, I felt like I had a job and had something to focus on which kept me calm, and ultimately pass that calmness onto my partner. A massive thank you Jayne!"
"Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better"